Updates & News

Pension Warrior Updates and News

The NUCPP works to ensure pension funds of hardworking Americans remain solvent and beneficial to all members, retired and active.  NUCPP services are steadfast in the concerted effort to educate, inform and advocate for accountability, reform and restoration of multiemployer pension funds. NUCPP services exist to make a difference and develop new standards to safeguard Central States Pension Funds and all multiemployer pension funds.  NUCPP promotional services promote public awareness of the need to protect and reform pensions to ensure solvency for multiemployer defined pension fund participants.



OCTOBER 9, 2023


Dear Security Warriors/Pension Warriors, 

First, thank you to those NUCPP members who joined us in Memphis, TN, for the 3rd Annual Meeting of the NUCPP.  Willie Hardy and his fantastic committee hosted us, and it couldn’t have been better!

We started out the morning with Kenny Stribling, President, and Dana Vargo, Director of Communications/Secretary, thanking the group for coming.  

  1. Willie Hardy, President of the Memphis Committee and NUCPP Advisory Board Member, welcomed the members and said the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.

  2. Ken Paff, from TDU, started out the Zoom calls. Ken talked about the pension fight and thanked the NUCPP for all of the hard work.  We also thanked TDU for their role in beginning the fight, and memory was paid to Alex Adams, Co-Incorporator with Mike Walden, of the NUCPP. 

  3. Robert Roach, President of the Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA), joined us on the next Zoom call. Robert introduced the ARA and discussed their role in protecting Security Retirement issues. He talked about the partnership between the ARA and the NUCPP and the importance of it.  ARA began in May 2000, with activists in 39 states and works on any retirement security issues. He also mentioned the upcoming Annual ARA Symposium in Washington, DC, on October 17th.  Kenny will lead off the program by discussing the work done to Save our Pensions. The ARA is sending us a list of states with chapters and information regarding contacting them.  We will share that with you in the near future.

  4. Next, James Donovan, Director of Political and Legislative Action at the IBT, joined us on a Zoom call.  Jim thanked the group for their work in saving the pensions and mentioned that it includes his pension as well as ours.  He discussed the need for bankruptcy reform laws, mentioning YRC in particular.  He stressed the importance of voting for those who support us. He updated us on several things that the IBT is working on regarding the retirees.  The NUCPP Executive Board meets with Jim on October 18th when we are in Washington for the ARA Symposium.  Further specifics will be available after we meet on the 18th. 

  5. Executive Director Karen Friedman joined us on Zoom from the Pension Rights Center (PRC). Topics discussed: *She mentioned that ERISA is 50 years old and PRC is 48 years old. *She discussed the UAW strike and some of the specifics of their demands. *We discussed the survivors of pension plans that took cuts and are now getting back their money in a lump sum. The injustice is in the law.  Example- 707 in NY.  If 707 gets their SFA money on October 1 and a participant passes away on Oct. 2nd, the surviving spouse is entitled to the back pay.  If the participant passes away on Sept 30th, the surviving spouse is not entitled to the back pay.  *PRC is working on the Secure 2 Bill, which creates a ‘lost and found’ for pension funds to help find missing participants, *Derisking- companies transfer pension benefits to insurance plans, and the participants lose PBGC protections.

  6. Thanks to Karen Friedman and Nancy Altman from Social Security, we were introduced to Alex Lawson, Exec. Director of Social Security Alex also joined us on Zoom.  He shared so many important points: *FDR created social security in 1935 to create a safety net for retirement. FDR said it was a cornerstone- each generation needs to do their part.*He said you will hear that ‘social security is running out of money, it's in dire straights, anything to convince you that if you don’t do anything, you will get $0, but if you follow them, you’ll get something’. We should take a ‘haircut’ (sound familiar from the pension fight days?). *It’s important to know that social security recipients take a 7% benefit cut for every year that retirement age is raised. There are 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day! There are two bills introduced by Democrats that are paid for by raising the social security for those making anywhere from $250,000-$400,000 or above. It’s a matter of everyone paying their fair share. The Republicans have not introduced any bills but are discussing raising the retirement age (a 7% benefit cut for every year). There is a discussion about creating a ‘fast-track commission’ for Social Security and Medicare. Still, we should be cautious because the commission meets behind closed doors, and they can decide whatever they want. 

  7. Patty Marsh from Congressman Cohen (D-TN) was honored with a plaque from the Memphis Committee in thanks for the Congressman’s support of our pensions. 

  8. Mr. Robert Seay, Chaplain and Political Coordinator for Local 667 Retirees Committee, blessed the food and also told us about his visit to the White House.

  9. A delicious lunch of barbecue was served.  It was amazing!

  10. Pete Priede and Tom Baxa from CSPF joined us for lunch and then spoke. *Their oldest retiree is 109 years old, and another retiree has been retired 55 years! *CSPF assumed $0 liability and minimal long-term effect on the Fund. They remain 98.5 funded. 

  11. Rita Lewis shared important information about the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). This does not affect every state, but it is draconic for those impacted, like Rita.  It affects firefighters, policemen, teachers, and many others. Congress created the GPO in 1977, although they conveniently made themselves exempt from this egregious bill. Senator Sherrod Brown and others are working to get these repealed. For more information, see the attachments to this message or contact Rita.

  12. Our former President, Mike Walden, spoke after Rita.   A Motion was made by Mike to create and adopt a Resolution to support the repeal of the WEP and GPO. The Motion was seconded and all voted in favor of the Resolution.  

  13. Mike also thanked everyone for coming and the NUCPP Board for continuing the work that began many years ago.  He suggested that a rally for Social Security be held in Washington in the Spring to make our needs known and let them know we will fight again if necessary. 

  14. Kenny gave updates to the group - NUCPP Board attending the ARA meeting on October 17th in Washington, IBT meeting on the 18th, and handouts to various Congressman asking them to sign on to the democratic social security bills that have been introduced will be passed out while in Washington. 

  15. Bernie Anderson, Treasurer and Membership Committee, updated the group on the NUCPP finances. He discussed the importance of going to Washington when necessary, and that the costs of hotels have increased significantly since we went in 2020.

  16. Davey Grubbs, Vice President, discussed social security. In order to keep our benefits, we will either need to vote to raise taxes on the wealthy or to reduce our benefits.  That decision will be made by those whom we vote for. 

  17. The Trustees, Frank Pastorino, Tom Schwarzenberger, and Dale Hanner, and the Advisory Board Members, Cynthia McDaniel, Jack Palush, Willie Hardy, Steve Baribeau, and William Wright, also shared important information:

  • Dale said that we are called ‘the silent generation,’ but we must ensure we are known as ‘the generation that will not be silenced!’ 

  • Frank Pastorino, discussed the importance of voting for those who will help us.   

  • Tom Schwarzenberger shared a dream that he had regarding God helping us. It is clearly evident that he was with us during the pension fight, and we will need him with us to fight for social security

  • Jack Palush reminded everyone of the importance of maintaining control of the Senate and also to remember those who helped us with our pension fight, such as Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH). The NUCPP cannot donate to a particular political campaign. Still, as individual members, we should support whoever helped us keep our pensions and whoever will help us keep our social security. 

  1. Cynthia talked about how we all had to step out of our comfort zone to become pension activists and advocates by learning the ways of Washington. Not only did we win, but we became great friends along the way.

  2. William Wright talked about how he worked with his committee in Nashville to Save our Pensions.

  3. Steve talked about his work with the NUCPP Save our Pensions Committee and that he was thankful to be asked to be an Advisory Board Member.  He also thanked Local 667 for their hospitality.

  4. Tom closed the meeting with a prayer.

The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m. CST

Many of the members went to Beale St. in the evening, thanks to transportation provided by Willie Hardy, Michael Love, and Ronny Youngblood.  A good time was had by all!

Thank you to all of the NUCPP members who were able to join us in  Memphis and to all of those who continue to support the NUCPP. We are truly Blessed.

More information will come next month after we attend the ARA Symposium and meet with IBT.

Take care, my friends.

NUCPP Board of Directors

Dana M. Vargo

Director of Communications

National United Committee to Protect Pensions

Dana Vargo